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Process of Guilt iniciam a digressão europeia .
Process of Guilt iniciam a digressão europeia .

Amanhã, dia 12 de Abril, os autores de FÆMIN partem à conquista da Europa. No roteiro, paragens no mítico Roadburn Festival, Madrid, Lyon, Berlim e, para encerrar, no TRIPS à moda do Porto, no final do mês.

Começa esta sexta-feira a digressão pelo Velho Continente dos Process of Guilt, com o mais recente e muito aclamado FÆMIN na calha, para apresentação nos palcos europeus. No roteiro, os doomsters passam por Espanha, França, Alemanha, República Checa, Suíça e, por último, mas não menos relevante, pela Holanda, onde deverão actuar no incontornável Roadburn Festival, em Tilburg.


A última data da digressão está apontada para o dia 28 de Abril e tem como palco o Plano B da cidade Invicta, a propósito do TRIPS à moda do Porto que acontece este mês na baixa portuense.


“[Os Process of Guilt] souberam reinventar-se em “Faemin”, mantendo intactas as qualidades que fizeram do antecessor um colosso e expandindo-as além do horizonte vislumbrável para o comum dos mortais. (…) A complexidade dos Process of Guilt vai muito para lá da técnica. Tem tudo a ver com sentimento. O móbil da verdadeira Arte.”

in Loud!


“Fæmin's strength lies in its strangeness, its marriage of industrial sensibilities, doomed prophecies, and forbidding ambiance. There's just not much else out there that sounds like this. (...) In the end, Process of Guilt's earnestness is as endearing as their brutal approach is beguiling.”


in Pitchfork


“Fæmin is a pretty fully-realised album – on the one hand there’s not a huge amount of variation on these five songs, all of them following a similar blueprint for heavy, oppressive sludge; on the other hand this is one of the album’s greatest strengths

(...) The band strike a balance between a sludge sound, a doom atmosphere and an underlying post-rock, math-intelligence which recalls the likes of Neurosis.”

in The Sleeping Shaman


“ Process Of Guilt has shown over albums and EPs a willingness to evolve, making each iteration work and uniquely their own. This holds true for Faemin as well - I've referenced a lot of influences they've allowed in to the sound, but they still make it their own.”


in Metalstorm


“Introspective yet subtly threatening, Process of Guilt eschew both the jazzy instrumental interplay of most post-metal as well as the primal scream therapy of your average sludge, but in doing so create something more personal and enduring.”

in Metal Injection


“Doom-dealers, if you’re looking for something to crank, you’ve found your next record purchase. That goes for fans of slower, groovier death metal, too-Process of Guilt have nailed the, well, process of intense buildups before crushing payoffs. Turn down the lights and bang the head that doesn’t bang.”


in Metal Blast

Mais informações sobre o TRIPS à moda do Porto nesta ligação.